Terms & Conditions
Please read our terms and conditions carefully before making your purchase, and only use our services if you agree to be bound by all of its terms! If you have any questions regarding the operation, ordering and delivery process of the webshop, please contact us at the given contact details!
These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) Judit Takács e. v. (hereinafter referred to as the Service Provider) and the rights and obligations of the Customer using the electronic commerce services provided by the Service Provider via the justa.hu website (hereinafter the Customer). (The “Service Provider” and the “Costumer” together: “Parties”). The GTC applies to all legal transactions and services made through the justa.hu website.
Website address: www.justa.hu
Name: Judit Takács e.v.
Headquarters: 3950 Sárospatak, Hunyadi Str. 30
Registration number: 50728598
Commercial Registration Number: 774-B / 2016
Email address: hello@justa.hu
The Service Provider is a tax-exempt small-taxpayer.
1.1. The scope of this GTC shall apply to all electronic commerce services which are performed through the electronic store (hereinafter: justa web store) located on the justa.hu website (hereinafter: Website). In addition, the scope of this GTC shall apply to all commercial transactions between the Parties specified in this Agreement. Shopping in the justa webshop is covered by the CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce services and information society services. regulated by law.
1.2. Purchases in the justa webshop can be made by placing orders electronically in the manner specified in this GTC.
1.3. The services of justa webshop are not subject to registration.
1.4. Once the order has been placed, the contract may be modified or canceled freely and without any consequence until its performance. This can be done via email. The contract concluded between the Parties for the purchase of goods in the Hungarian language shall be deemed to be a written contract, shall be filed by the Service Provider and shall be kept for 5 years after its conclusion. Terms of contract: These general terms and conditions, invoice. Receipt of the invoice shall be considered as receipt of the written contract.
1.5. The language of the contract is Hungarian.
1.6. The Service Provider does not obey any code of conduct.
1.7. The Service Provider will sell exclusively to private individuals from January 1, 2025. The service provider is a tax-exempt small-taxpayer.
You can shop on this site without registering. However, for shipping and purchase contact we need your name, shipping address, (billing address), telephone number, email address.
3.1. The essential features, characteristics, instructions for use of the product to be purchased can be found on the product specific information page, and the product packaging also contains this information. If you have any questions about this product before buying, we will be happy to email you.
3.2. The purchase price is always the amount shown next to the selected product, which, unless otherwise indicated, already includes VAT. The purchase price of the products does not include the cost of delivery, unless otherwise stated on the final payment page.
3.3. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the prices of products ordered from the Website at the same time that the change takes effect at the time of publication on the Website. The change does not adversely affect the purchase price of the products you have already ordered.
3.4. If, despite all the care of the Service Provider, the price of the Website is erroneous, especially with regard to obviously incorrect, eg. the Service Provider shall not be obliged to ship the Product at a defective price, but may offer the delivery at the correct price, which is significantly different from the well-known, generally accepted or estimated price of the Product, possibly due to a system failure; in which case Customer may withdraw from the purchase.
3.5. You accept the order from the Customer via the Service Provider's Website, the order requires all fields of the Customer Data to be filled in completely. (If the Customer fills in any field incorrectly or incompletely, he will receive an error message from the Service Provider.) The Service Provider shall not be liable for any delivery delay or other problem or error attributable to Customer's incorrect and / or inaccurate order information.
Customer may place selected products in the Shopping Cart using the "Add to Cart" button on the Product Details page that appears after clicking on each product. The contents of the Shopping Cart can be viewed and modified by clicking on the bag icon on the right side of the Website, where you can specify the quantity of each item or delete the contents of the Shopping Cart. Once the Customer has finalized the contents of the Basket, he / she will be able to provide billing and shipping details by clicking on "Continue to Checkout". You can then choose from three options, card payment with Barion, Bank Transfer or PayPal. In the case of card payments, you can settle your payment obligations by entering your card details on Barion's page. Online credit card payments are made through the Barion system. Credit card details will not be sent to the merchant. The service provider Barion Payment Zrt. Is an institution under the supervision of the National Bank of Hungary, license number: H-EN-I-1064/2013.
For Paypal, you can settle your payment obligations by clicking on the "Go to Paypal" button on PayPal. When you make a bank transfer, we'll email you the details you need for the transfer by clicking the "Submit Order" button.
3.6 Orders are processed between 8 am and 4 pm on business days. It is also possible to place an order outside the times indicated on the order processing, if it is done after working hours, it will be processed the next day. General deadline for completion, 2-6 business days after confirmation.
The images shown on the product data sheet may be different from the actual one and in some cases are illustrated. We reserve the right to reject orders that have already been confirmed, in whole or in part. Partial fulfillment can only take place after consultation with the customer! If the order is rejected in full, the pre-sold purchase price of the product will be refunded to the sender of the amount.
4.1. Az Ügyfélnek a rendelés bármely szakaszában és a megrendelés Szolgáltató részére való elküldéséig a Webáruházban bármikor lehetősége van az adatbeviteli hibák javítására a megrendelési felületen (pl. termék törlése a kosárból a „Eltávolítás” feliratra kattintva).
5.1. The Service Provider shall acknowledge receipt of the Customer's order (order) without delay, via an automatic confirmation e-mail, to the Customer within 48 hours at the latest, which includes the Customer's details (eg, billing and shipping information) ), order ID, order date, list of items for the product ordered, quantity, product price, shipping cost, and total amount due. This confirmation email only informs the Customer that his order has been received by the Service Provider.
5.2. Customer will not be bound by the offer if he / she does not receive from the Service Provider a specific acceptance email regarding the order he / she has sent without delay, ie within 48 hours.
5.3. If the Customer's order has already been sent to the Service Provider and notices an error in the confirmation email, you must notify the Service Provider within 1 day.
5.4. The order is a contract concluded electronically, pursuant to Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code, Act CVIII of 2001 on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services. the provisions of law. The contract is subject to Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) On the detailed rules of consumer-business contracts and takes into account the provisions of Directive 2011/83 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights. < / p>
6.1. The Service Provider will deliver the ordered goods to your home in accordance with the terms and conditions on the Shipping and Payment Terms page. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the delivery fee at the same time that the change enters into force at the time of posting on the Website. The change does not affect the purchase price of the products you have already ordered.
6.2. Services ordered on the Website will be provided by Service Provider at the location specified in the order confirmation email sent to Customer.
6.3. Customer may refer to the Payment & Shipping page for payment methods or pickup options provided by the Service Provider.
The provisions of this section apply only to natural persons who act outside their trade, profession or business, and who purchase, order, receive, use, use or receive commercial communications for the goods ("Consumer" ).
Consumer is entitled to a contract for the sale of a product
a) the product,
b) in the case of several products, the last product supplied,
c) in the case of a product consisting of several lots or pieces, the last lot or piece delivered,
d) if the product is to be supplied on a regular basis within a specified period, withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within fourteen (14) days of the date of receipt of the first service by the Consumer or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by the carrier.
The consumer shall have the right of withdrawal from the date of conclusion of the contract to the date of receipt of the product.
The consumer shall not have a right of withdrawal in the case of a non-prefabricated product which has been manufactured at the consumer's request or at the express request of the consumer or which is clearly personalized to the consumer.
Returned products will only be accepted in their original packaging when unused and undamaged.
7.1. Procedure for exercising the right of withdrawal
7.1.1. If you intend to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must send a clear statement of your intention to withdraw (eg by mail or electronically) to the Service Provider using the contact details listed at the beginning of this GTC. Consumers will exercise their right of withdrawal within the deadline if they send their withdrawal notice to the Service Provider before the deadline specified above.
7.1.2. It is up to the Consumer to prove that he has exercised his right of withdrawal in accordance with the provisions set out in point 7.
7.1.3. In both cases, the Service Provider shall immediately acknowledge receipt of the Consumer's notice of withdrawal by email.
7.1.4. In the event of a written cancellation, it shall be deemed to have been validated within a period of 14 calendar days (even on the 14th calendar day) sent by the Consumer to the Service Provider.
7.1.5. When notifying by post the date of posting, in case of notification by e-mail the time of sending the e-mail shall be taken into consideration by the Service Provider for the purpose of calculating the deadline. Post the consumer's letter by registered mail so that the date of dispatch can be credibly verified.
7.1.6. In the event of a consumer's cancellation, he must return the ordered product to the Service Provider without undue delay, but must return it within 14 days from the date of notification of the cancellation.
7.1.7. The deadline is deemed to have been met if the Consumer sends (delivers or delivers the product to the courier ordered by him) before the 14-day deadline has expired.
7.1.8. The cost of returning the product to the address of the Service Provider shall be borne by the Consumer unless the Service Provider has agreed to bear these costs.
7.1.9. The Service Provider will not be able to pick up the package returned by cash on delivery. Apart from the cost of returning the product, the Consumer shall not bear any other costs associated with the withdrawal.
7.1.10. If the Consumer withdraws from the contract, the Service Provider shall reimburse any consideration paid by the Consumer, including the shipping costs, except for any additional costs incurred by the Consumer, immediately, but no later than 14 days after receiving the Consumer's notice of cancellation. chose the cheapest mode of transport other than the usual mode of transport. The Service Provider shall be entitled to withhold the refund until it has received the product or the Consumer has credibly proved that it has been returned: the former shall be taken into account by the Service Provider.
7.1.11. The Service Provider shall use the same payment method as the one used in the initial transaction for the refund, unless the Consumer expressly agrees to use another payment method; there is no additional cost to the consumer as a result of the application of this refund method.
7.1.12. Consumers shall only be liable for any depreciation in the product which has occurred as a result of use in excess of what is necessary to determine the nature and characteristics of the product.
7.1.13. Service Provider may claim reimbursement of any depreciation or reasonable costs resulting from use beyond the use necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and performance of the product.
8.1. A warranty
8.1.1. The Customer may enforce a warranty claim against the Service Provider in the event of the Service Provider's defective performance. In the case of a consumer contract, the Customer may enforce its warranty claims for defects that existed at the time of delivery of the product within a 2-year limitation period from the date of receipt. After the two-year limitation period, Customer will not be able to enforce its warranty claims.
8.1.2. In the case of a non-consumer contract, the claimant may enforce his warranty claims within a period of 1 year from the date of receipt.
8.1.3. The Customer may, at its option, request repair or replacement, unless fulfillment of the Customer's request is impossible or would incur disproportionate additional costs to Service Provider. If repair or replacement has not been requested or requested by Customer, then Customer may request a proportionate reduction of the consideration or the Customer may, at the expense of the Service Provider, repair or otherwise repair or, in the final case, cancel the contract. There is no room for withdrawal due to a minor error.
8.1.4. Customer may switch from one of its selected consumables to another, but shall bear the cost of the upgrade unless warranted or provided by Service Provider.
8.1.5. Customer is required to notify the Service Provider of the defect immediately, but no later than two months after the discovery of the defect.
8.1.6. Customer may enforce its warranty claim directly against the Service Provider.
8.1.7. Within six months of the completion of the contract, there is no other condition for enforcing your warranty claim unless Customer confirms that you have purchased the Product from the Service Provider (by providing an invoice or a copy of the invoice). In such a case, the Service Provider will only be released from its warranty if it rebuttes that presumption, that is, proves that the defect in the product occurred after it was handed over to the Customer. If the Service Provider can prove that the cause of the defect is due to a fault attributable to the Customer, it is not obliged to accept the warranty claim made by the Customer. However, after six months have passed from the date of performance, it is the responsibility of the Customer to prove that the defect which it has detected was present at the time of performance.
8.1.8. If the Customer asserts its warranty claim in respect of the part that is separable from the Product in respect of the defect noted, the warranty claim shall not be deemed valid for the remainder of the Product.
8.2. Product warranties p>
8.2.1. In the event of a defect in the product (movable thing), the Customer, who is a consumer, shall, at his option, comply with Section 8.1. you may claim a warranty or defect claim as set forth in Section II.
8.2.2. However, the Customer shall not be entitled to enforce a Warranty and Product Warranty claim simultaneously for one and the same error. However, if the Product Warranty Claim is effectively enforced, Customer may enforce its Product Warranty Claim for the replaced Product or repaired part against the manufacturer.
8.2.3. As a product warranty claim, Customer may only request repair or replacement of the defective product. The defect of the product must be proved by the Customer in the event of a claim for product warranty.
8.2.4. A product is defective if it does not meet the quality requirements at the time it is placed on the market or if it does not have the characteristics stated in the manufacturer's description.
8.2.5. Customer may enforce its Product Warranty Claim within two years of the product being placed on the market by the manufacturer. Upon expiry of that period, he shall lose his entitlement. Customer shall promptly notify the manufacturer of the defect, upon discovery of the defect. Any defect communicated within two months of the discovery of the defect shall be deemed to be communicated without delay. The consumer is liable for any damage resulting from delay in communication.
8.2.6. Customer may enforce its Product Warranty Claims against the manufacturer or distributor (Service Provider) of the movable.
8.2.7. The Ptk. is a manufacturer and a distributor of a product.
8.2.8. The manufacturer, distributor (Service Provider) will only be released from its product warranty obligation if it can prove that:
• the product was not manufactured or marketed in the course of its business, or
• the defect was not recognizable at the time of placing on the market according to the state of the art or
• the defect of the product results from the application of a legal or regulatory requirement.
8.2.9. The manufacturer / distributor (Service Provider) must justify one reason for exemption.
9.1. The information on the Website has been placed in good faith but is for informational purposes only, the Service Provider is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information.
9.2. Customer may use the Website solely at its own risk, and accepts that Service Provider shall not be liable for material or non-material damage resulting from its use, beyond its liability for willful, gross negligence or crime, and for breach of contract . p>
9.3. The Service Provider disclaims all liability for the conduct of the Website users. Customer is solely and exclusively responsible for its own conduct, in which case Service Provider will fully cooperate with the acting authorities to investigate the violations.
9.4. Service pages may contain links to other service providers. The Service Provider is not responsible for the privacy practices or other activities of these providers.
9.5. The Service Provider is entitled, but not obliged, to verify the content that Customers may make available while using the Website, and for the Content posted, the Service Provider is entitled, but not required, to look for signs of illegal activity.
9.6. Because of the global nature of the Internet, Customer agrees to be bound by the applicable national law when using the Website. If any activity related to your use of the Website is not permitted under the law of the State of the Client, then the Client is solely responsible for its use.
9.7. If Customer discovers objectionable content on the Website, it shall immediately notify Service Provider thereof. If Service Provider finds the flag justified in good faith, it is entitled to delete or modify the information immediately.
9.8. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damage to property or personal property resulting from improper or improper use of the products.
10.1. The Website is protected by copyright. The Service Provider is the copyright holder or its authorized user of all content displayed on the Website and the Services available through the Website: any copyright or other intellectual work (including but not limited to all graphics and other materials, layout, editing, used software and other solutions, ideas, implementation).
10.2. It is permitted to save or print the contents of the Website and certain parts of it on physical or other media for private use or with the prior written consent of the Service Provider. Any use beyond private use - such as storage, retransmission, publication or download, commercialization - is permitted only with the prior written permission of the Service Provider.
10.3. In addition to the rights expressly set forth in this GTC, the use of the Website or any provision of the GTC shall not entitle the Client to any use or use of any trade name or trademark appearing on the interface of the Website. Except for the purpose of displaying the Website for its intended purpose, for the purpose of temporary reproduction and private copying, these intellectual works may not be used or exploited in any way without the prior written permission of the Service Provider.
11.1. Complaint management p>
Customer's complaints regarding the Product or Service Provider's activities may be submitted at the following addresses:
• Name: Judit Takács
• Address: 3950 Sárospatak, 30. Hunyadi Street
• Email: hello@justa.com
Customer's objection to the product or activity 11.1. can be submitted through the contact details in section The Service Provider shall examine and respond to the written complaint within thirty days of its receipt and shall arrange for the Client to receive the reply. If the Service Provider rejects the complaint, it is obliged to justify its position in its substantive reply to the rejection.
11.2. Other enforcement options
In the event that any consumer dispute between the Service Provider and the Customer is not resolved during negotiations with the Service Provider, the Customer shall have the following remedies available:
• Complaint to Consumer Protection Authorities. If the Customer detects a violation of his or her consumer rights, he or she is entitled to lodge a complaint with the competent consumer protection authority of his or her place of residence. After considering the complaint, the Authority will decide on the conduct of the consumer protection proceeding.
• Conciliation body. For the purposes of amicable out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes related to the quality, safety and application of product liability rules, and to the conclusion and performance of a contract, Customer may initiate proceedings with a professional arbitration panel operating under the jurisdiction of Service Provider. For the purposes of the Arbitration Board Rules, a non-governmental organization, church, condominium, housing association, micro, small and medium-sized enterprise that purchases, orders, receives, uses, uses, or communicates commercially with goods, addressed.
Contact details of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Conciliation Body:
• 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99. III. em. 310
• Mailing address: 3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1.
• Email Address: bekeltetes@bokik.hu
• Fax: 06 46 501 099
• Phone: 06 46 501 091, 06 46 501 870
- Litigation. The Customer shall be entitled to have his claim arising out of a consumer dispute brought before a court in civil proceedings in accordance with Section IV of the Civil Code Act 1959. of the Civil Code and Law V of 2013 on the Code of Civil Procedure.
Online dispute resolution platform: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=EN
12.1. The security level of the justa webshop is good and does not pose any risk, but we recommend that you take the following precautions: use virus and spyware protection software with up-to-date database, install operating system security updates. Buying on the Website requires Customer to be aware of the technical and technical limitations of the Internet and to accept the potential for errors with the technology.
12.2. The Service Provider is entitled to unilaterally modify the terms and conditions of these GTC at any time. The Service Provider informs users of the changes by e-mail before they become effective. When the changes take effect, registered users must explicitly accept them before using the site to use the site.
The wall stickers must be used in accordance with the instructions coming with the package. Wall decals, if not installed immediately upon receipt, should be stored at room temperature. The Service Provider shall not be liable and the Customer shall not claim damages if the final product and the colors displayed on the screen are different, since the displays of different devices may generate optical illusions or display bad colors that are not 100% of the final product colors.
The photos displayed on this page are for information purposes only and may include items not included in the package.
The size of the wall sticker is calculated at the highest and widest points. Minimum discrepancies (+/- 5%) may occur between the sizes displayed on the web page and the actual sizes.
The suitability of the wall for affixing the sticker must be tested by the Customer, as the Service Provider is not in a position to perform the necessary procedures.
The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the following reasons:
1. The quality of the paint is poor – the previous paint was not scraped properly or there was insufficient priming before painting.
2. The painting was very fresh and did not dry properly.
3. Painting execution is questionable in any way.
If you have problems with the product during installation, please email us at hello@justa.hu
Budapest, March 21, 2020